In the beginning, there were hundreds of thousands. From there, the top 30 men and 30 women rose to the challenge and competed in a virtual competition to earn their place in the finale. This weekend, only 10 remained. The final five in each division fought to prove themselves the Fittest on Earth. There was sweat, there were tears, and more than a little blood. At the end of it all, the victors became legends. They are the Fittest in History.
The 2021 CrossFit Open starts Feb. 18
The CrossFit Games® – The Sport of Fitness™
The Fittest On Earth™
#CrossFitGames #CrossFit
Edited by Mariah Moore (mariah.moore)
Michael Dalton (michaelishustle)
Michael Koslap (mikekoslap)
Heber Cannon (hebercannon)
Marston Sawyer (marzmedia)
Marcus Brown (marcus_brown_)
Corey Milne (coreymilne)
Salvi Villanueva