Ever wonder how CrossFit analysts develop their power rankings or predict performance during the season? Thus far, they’ve all had their own formulas when deciding what stats to look at, with some overlap.
Recently, CrossFit statistician and analyst Tyler Watkins looked at the sport of baseball to compare certain stats that could help guide us on how we can track CrossFit athlete performance with a formula. Morning Chalk Up’s Lauren Kalil sat down with Watkins and Brian Friend to discuss his findings and how having consistent stats could help professionalize the sport.
Video Breakdown:
:45 – How Watkins got into measuring CrossFit performance
2:00 – Sharing and comparing stats on CrossFit athletes
4:00 – Looking at the different metrics to predict performance
6:30 – Why CrossFit stats are necessary for growth in the sport
8:00 – How does age in sport play a role in athlete stats
9:20 – Comparing Rich Froning, Mat Fraser and Tia-Clair Toomey stats
11:40 – How does Friend develop his power rankings
13:15 – Challenges that CrossFit presents for compiling athlete stats
14:20 – Just the beginning of gathering legit CrossFit athlete stats
15:00 – The need for CrossFit statisticians within HQ
18:00 – The bottom line
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